The object of project is to create new, readable and simpler map of Trenčín to make better communication between urbanists and citizens. Very important part of the work was definition of the problem. It’s the problem of communication between urbanists of city and people whose need to read this urban map and it’s really hard readable for them. It is necessary to tell that actual official urbanistic plan begun to be relevant at the end of the year 2012 and is necessary to tell that urbanists which was working on this plan are opened for this idea. In the first part, project is analyzing actual official urbanised plan, which is accessible for any people in web page of Trenčín. Important is, that informations can show problematics of urbanism to people who are not educated in this part of architecture. In this part of work, we found more important to cooperate with specialist. In this case was Ing. Arch. Adriana Mlynčeková the best choice, because she is working in Trenčín as an urbanist now and she also was working as an main urbanist.
Second part was about finding best functionality and the formal part of map. The map is working with intuition and scale of city. Plan is composed from 5 maps. Each of that map is in other scale, form 1:5000 to 1:100 000 and each of those maps show us another way how to look on Trenčín. The map is getting us view how to look on problematics of urbanism. The last part is formal problem. The map is drawing very strict, it means we can see only straight lines in 45° or 90° angle. This can seems drastic but during process of drawing it seems to be good choice. It´s easy to work with this type of mapping. It is sometimes hard to read informations like these from geographical map, so because of that, this type of drawing is more than right choice at the expense of some small problems.